Source code for django_futures.decorators


```` -- Simplifiy Asynchronous Code

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('django')

import functools
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado import gen

[docs]class ttask(object): """ Run a task as a tornado callback. Great for async background code. If tornado is not running, then things are run synchronously. Example: We define the task ``send_signup_confirmation()`` using the ``@ttask()`` decorator. When the task is called on line 21 the call will return imediately and the task will run at a later time after the view has finished. .. code-block:: python :linenos: from ttasks.decorators import ttask @ttask() def send_signup_confirmation(req, emsg): url = " hc = HTTPClient() resp = hc.fetch( url, method='POST', body=tornado.escape.json_encode(emsg), ) logger.debug("email result: %s", resp) def a_view(request): # Process some stuff ... # Call the task send_signup_confirmation(request) # create and return a response ... return response """ __name__ = "ttask" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """When this gets more advance we can use this to setup more complicated features such as distributting to a true task service. :param *args: arg description :type *args: type description :param deadline: always delay this task by 'deadline'. This will be given to the add_timeout() method on the current IOLoop. :type deadline: float, seconds to delay this task by. :param **kwargs: arg description :type **kwargs: type description """ self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self._deadline = kwargs.get('deadline') #__init__() def __call__(self, func): """todo: Docstring for __call__ :param *args: arg description :type *args: type description :param **kwargs: arg description :type **kwargs: type description :return: :rtype: """ logger.debug( "ttask decorate, IOLoop is running? %s", IOLoop.current()._running) if not IOLoop.current()._running: logger.debug("ttask running %s sync", func) @functools.wraps(func) def sync_decorated(*args, **kwargs): """Run the function synchronously """ return IOLoop.current().run_sync( functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)) #sync_decorated() return sync_decorated logger.debug("ttask running %s async", func) if self._deadline: @functools.wraps(func) def deadline_decorated(*args, **kwargs): """Schedule the task as a timeout. """ return IOLoop.current().add_timeout( self._deadline, functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) ) # deadline_decorated() return deadline_decorated @functools.wraps(func) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): """todo: Docstring for decorated """ # logger.debug( # "Adding ttask %s to callback Q, args: %s, kwargs: %s", func, args, kwargs) return IOLoop.current().add_callback(func, *args, **kwargs) # decorated() return decorated
#__call__() # ttask
[docs]class ctask(object): """ Creates a :py:class:`ttask` using a method/function that is also a Tornado coroutine. This is a convenience decorator and is equivelant to decorting a function with @tornado.gen.coroutine and @ttask() :py:class:`ctask` will run the tornado.gen.coroutine on the decorated function first then decorate it with :py:class:`ttask`. For example, use this if you have a task that needs to make asynchronous http client calls. """ __name__ = "ctask" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """When this gets more advance we can use this to setup more complicated features such as distributting to a true task service. :param *args: arg description :type *args: type description :param **kwargs: arg description :type **kwargs: type description """ self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs #__init__() def __call__(self, func): tt = ttask(*self._args, **self._kwargs) return tt(gen.coroutine(func))
#__call__() #ctask